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Report on historical methods of water and sewage treatment. It gives a description of water technology in ancient civilizations and the Middle Ages.

TitleA study on historical methods of water and sewage treatment
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1975
AuthorsEAWAG -Duebendorf, CH, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, University of Oklahoma -Norman, OK, US
Pagination15, ix, 23 p. : fig., photogr.
Date Published1975-05-01
PublisherSwiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG)
Place PublishedDuebendorf, Switzerland
Keywordsdisposal, groundwater, rainwater, sdisan, sdiwat, surface waters, wastewater, water resources management, water supply, water treatment, water use

Report on historical methods of water and sewage treatment. It gives a description of water technology in ancient civilizations and the Middle Ages. By describing water supply engineering and treatment methods, it intends to demonstrate the high level of sophistication reached in ancient Greece, Rome and other places where water for land irrigation, the esthetics of towns and personal hygiene played an eminent role. These vast stores of knowledge on water technology were not passed on to the Middle Ages so that the section on this period is rather short. The paper gives a number of examples of small scale water collection by condensing moisture from the air in aerial wells and dew ponds.

Notes122 ref.
Custom 1250, 341.0


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