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This report is a collection of evidence, brief examples highlighting the effect and benefits of placing women at the core of planning, implementation and operations of WASH programmes.

TitleFor her : it's the big issue: putting women at the centre of water supply, sanitation and hygiene : evidence report
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsFisher, J
Pagination27 p. : boxes
Date Published2006-03-06
PublisherWater Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, WSSCC
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
Keywordsgender, health impact, hygiene, impact assessment, income generation, safe water supply, sanitation, sdigen, women

This report is a collection of evidence, brief examples highlighting the effect and benefits of placing women at the core of planning, implementation and operations of Water Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) programmes. It is is organized around six Big Issues: Better services for all; Better health for all; Privacy and dignity; Women's health and well-being; Girls' school attendance; Women's status; and Income-generation. The experiences also show how women's empowerment and the improvement of water supply, sanitation facilities and hygiene practice are inextricably linked. One cannot be successfully achieved without the other. The report provides further proof that if women play a central role in water, sanitation and hygiene efforts, progress towards achieving all the Millennium Development Goals will be significantly advanced. The evidence comes from a variety of sources, some of it from recent literature, project reports and evaluations and some from personal correspondence with those involved, where changes are currently happening but not yet documented.

Notes74 ref.
Custom 1202.1, 302.1


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