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TitleEffective utility management : a primer for water and wastewater utilities
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsEPA -Washington, DC, US. Office of Water
Pagination[6], 45 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published2008-06-01
PublisherUS Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsmanuals, sdisan, sdiwat, wastewater treatment, water authorities, water management, water supply, water treatment, water treatment plants

In May, 2007, the U.S. Environ¬mental Protection Agency and six major national water and wastewater associations signed an historic agreement pledging to support effective utility management collectively and individually throughout the water sec¬tor and to develop a joint strategy to identify, encourage, and recognize excellence in water and wastewater utility management. This Primer is the result of this agreement. It was designed to help water and wastewater utility manag¬ers make practical, systematic changes to achieve excellence in utility performance. Rather than focusing on just financial or operational goals, it considers all significant aspects of water and wastewater utility management.
The Primer has three primary components: 1) The Ten Attributes of Effectively Managed Water Sector Utilities ). These At¬tributes provide a clear set of reference points and are intended to help utilities maintain a balanced focus on all important operational areas rather than quickly moving from one problem to the next; 2) Keys to Management Success. These proven approaches help utilities maximize their resources and improve performance; 3) Where to Begin—A Self-Assessment Tool. A utility-tailored self assessment tool helps utility managers identify where to begin improvement efforts. By assessing how a utility performs relative to the Attributes, utility managers can gain a more bal¬anced and comprehensive picture of their organization. In addition, the Primer provides a set of sample mea¬sures to help utility managers gauge performance and as¬sess improvement progress. It also provides links to a web-based “resource toolbox” which offers ad¬ditional information and guidance on effective utility management.

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