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TitleWaterAid learning for advocacy and good practice : water and sanitation mapping in Nepal
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsWelle, K, Overseas Development Institute -London, GB, ODI
Secondary TitleWaterAid report
Pagination38 p. : 3 boxes, 1 fig., 3 tab.
Date Published2006-11-01
Place PublishedLondon, UK
Keywordsevaluation, mapping, nepal kathmandu valley, sanitation, sdiasi, sdiman, urban areas, water supply

This report is based on a field visit to WaterAid Nepal and its partners, September 2006. It is part of WaterAid’s project on Learning for advocacy and good practice – water and sanitation mapping. The purpose of the project is to create a better understanding of the processes, methodologies, outputs and impacts of mapping carried out by different WaterAid country programmes and their local partners. The project comprises case studies from six different countries. This report focuses on the experiences in the Nepal country programme. It documents how WaterAid in Nepal applies water and sanitation mapping. This includes the objectives, target groups, inputs, methods and processes of mapping in country. On the other hand the report assesses the repercussions of WaterAid in Nepal’s water and sanitation mapping approaches and – as far as possible – the use of its mapping outputs by different stakeholders. The report focuses on (1) mapping and enumeration of slums, squatters and public stand posts under the Urban Water Supply Reform process, (2) stone spout and dug well enumeration in Kathmandu and (3) poverty mapping, an activity to support community-managed water supply and sanitation schemes.

Notes11 ref.
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