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TitleImproving wastewater use in agriculture : an emerging priority
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsScheierling, SM, Bartone, C, Mara, DD, Drechsel, P
Secondary TitlePolicy research working paper series / World Bank
Pagination107 p.; 203 refs.; tab.; fig.; boxes
Date Published2010-09-01
PublisherThe World Bank : Water Anchor : Energy, Transport, and Water Department
Place PublishedS.l.
Keywordsagricultural wastewater, agriculture, wastewater, wastewater recycling, wastewater treatment

Wastewater use in agriculture is a growing practice worldwide. Drivers include increasing water stress, in part due to climate change; increasing urbanization and growing wastewater flows; and more urban households engaged in agricultural activities. The problem with this trend is that in low-income countries, but also in many middle-income countries, it either involves the direct use of untreated wastewater or the indirect use of polluted waters from rivers that receive untreated urban discharges. This poses substantial risks, in particular microbial risks to public health. To address these risks, the World Health Organization in 2006 issued new guidelines for the safe use of wastewater. This paper aims to highlight the growing importance of improving wastewater use in agriculture across the spectrum from lower to high-income countries. It presents an innovative approach linking key issues related This paper—a product of the Energy, Transport and Water Department, Water Anchor—is part of a larger effort in the department to assess the feasibility of interventions for improving wastewater use in agriculture.

(authors abstract)

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