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TitleProtección del derecho humano al agua y arbitrajes de inversión
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsBohoslavsky, JP, Justo, JB
Pagination43 p.
Date Published2011-01-01
PublisherUnited Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
Place PublishedSantiago, Chile
Keywordshuman rights, policies, sdipol, water resources, water supply services

This paper examines how bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and awards can have a negative effect on the fundamental rights of the people of the region, especially when it comes to investment disputes in the areas of public services and natural resources. It discusses the main features of the international obligations assumed by States in the field of economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights -and the right to water in particular- then the relationship between human rights treaties and BITs.

NotesBibliography: p. 41-43
Custom 1202.3
Translated TitleProtection of the human right to water and investment arbitration

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