Examples of key indicators for WASH in schools are shown in three lists. The examples may be useful for the reader to compare with his or her own situation and own list of indicators for WASH in schools.
Title | Indicators for WASH in schools |
Publication Type | Fact Sheet |
Year of Publication | 2006 |
Authors | Shordt, K, Snel, M |
Pagination | 3 p. ; 1 box |
Date Published | 2006-12-01 |
Publisher | IRC |
Place Published | Delft, The Netherlands |
Publication Language | English |
Keywords | case studies, drinking water, indicators, safe water supply, schools, water supply |
Abstract | The basic components of WASH in schools programs centre around water, sanitation, hygiene practices, hygiene education and reaching out into the home and community. Of course, WASH programs differ in different settings. However, every program should have a minimum set of indicators that are well known and agreed by different stakeholder groups. These indicators can serve as concrete objectives for planning and monitoring. Examples of key indicators for WASH in schools are shown in the following tables. These three lists may be useful for the reader to compare with his or her own situation and own list of indicators for WASH in schools. [author abstract] |
URL | http://www.washinschools.info/page/327 |
Custom 1 | 130 |
Citation Key | 68844 |