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TitleBacterial hand contamination among Tanzanian mothers varies temporally and following household activities
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsPickering, AJ, Julian, TR, Mamuya, S, Boehm, AB, Davis, J
Paginationp. 233 - 239; 1 fig.; 1 tab.;
Date Published2011-02-01
Keywordsbehaviour, faecal bacteria, hand washing, household hygiene, indicator organisms, pathogens, personal hygiene, tanzania

The objective of this study was to assess the presence of selected pathogens on mothers' hands in Tanzania. It found that Escherichia coli and enterococci on hands can be significantly increased by various household activities, including those involving the use of soap and water. Thus, fecal indicator bacteria should be considered highly variable when used as indicators of handwashing behavior. This work corroborates hands as important vectors of disease among Tanzanian mothers and highlights the difficulty of good personal hygiene in an environment characterized by the lack of networked sanitation and water supply services. [authors abstract]

NotesWith bibliography on p. 238 - 239
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