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TitleUrban sanitation experiences of Senegal and Burkina Faso : broadening urban sanitation activities
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsVerspyck, R, Guene, O, B. Abdelwedoud, O, Bakalian, AE
Secondary TitleReport / World Bank
Paginationxii, 81 p.; 38 tab.; 14 fig.
Date Published2012-02-01
PublisherWorld Bank
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsburkina faso, case studies, sanitation, senegal, urban areas, urban communities

Efforts have been made to identify appropriate solutions to improve access to adequate sanitation in the urban areas of sub-Saharan Africa, especially in West Africa. The WPP-funded report provides evidence that urban households in large West African cities experience similar water and sanitation challenges specifically linked to urban settings and the development of water services. The report reviews two World Bank-supported programs – The Ouagadougou Strategic Sanitation Plan in Burkina Faso and the Dakar Periurban On-site Sanitation Program in Senegal -- to illustrate that household facilities and the urban environment shape demand for sanitation, while supply often offers unsatisfactory and unaffordable solutions. The analysis from both operations shows that public sanitation (or water and sanitation) utilities, when supported by strong political commitment and assistance from a variety of stakeholders, may reduce the gap between supply and demand. Adequate and efficient implementation arrangements and a participatory approach are crucial to this process. In addition, cost-effectiveness and equity considerations justify substantial subsidies for household facilities, which can be sustained by internal resources and with external assistance. [authors abstract]

NotesWith bibliography on p. 80 - 81
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