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TitleGlobal review of sanitation system trends and interactions with menstrual management practices : report for the menstrual management and sanitation...
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsKjellen, M, Pensulo, C, Nordqvist, P, Fogde, M
Paginationiv, 36 p.; 18 fig.; 7 tab.
Date Published2012-04-01
PublisherEcoSanRes, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Place PublishedStockholm, Sweden
Keywordsdisposal, excreta disposal systems, menstruation, sanitation

The problem with disposing of menstrual waste into pit latrines is that it causes the pits to fill up faster. The excreta in the pit decompose and decrease in volume, while the non-biodegradable components of menstrual waste accumulate and do not break down. Furthermore, once the sludge has been removed from the pit latrine, if it is to be used in agriculture, any waste that has not completely decomposed such as menstrual pads must be removed before the sludge can be composted or applied to farmland. The cost to remove, screen, and dispose of menstrual management products from pit latrine sludge is high and not accounted for.

NotesWith bibliography per chapter (p. 14, p.28 - 29, p. 36)
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