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This "how to" note provides practical guidance on how to analyse value for money (VFM) in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmes. It shows how to produce and analyse VFM indicators for WASH programmes and how to interpret results of the VFM analysis.

TitleHow to do Value for Money analysis for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmes : draft guidance note
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsTremolet, S, Prat, M-A, Ross, I
Paginationiv, 31 p. : 2 fig., 5 boxes, 5 tab.
Date Published05/2015
PublisherOxford Policy Management
Place PublishedOxford, UK
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsbenchmarking, indicators, value for money

This "how to" note provides practical guidance on how to analyse value for money (VFM) in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmes. It takes readers through a step-by-step approach to produce and analyse VFM indicators for WASH programmes, based on examples. It also provides guidance on how to interpret results of the VFM analysis.

This note is structured as follows:

Part A – Value for Money: a Conceptual Framework - presents the concept of Value For Money, its components and key indicators. It highlights the importance of benchmarking and qualitative analysis in order to put the results of VFM analysis into context.

Part B – Conducting a VFM analysis in practice – provides practical guidance for carrying out the VFM analysis of any WASH programme (with particular emphasis on rural programmes). The process of carrying out this analysis has been broken down into five main steps, although all these steps may not necessarily be relevant, depending on the context of the analysis.

In addition there annexes with a glossary of key terms; a worked example of VFM Analysis, and some useful tools to support the VFM analysis.eva


Includes ref.

Citation Key79372


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