Published on: 29/09/2015
With 20 percent of the world's GDP and 36 percent of the global population located in severely water stressed areas, the growing demand and competition for freshwater will be one of the biggest global challenges we face.
At the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting 2015, Wetlands International announced a new CGI Commitment to Action to reshape policies, investments and practices in three highly vulnerable watersheds in Kenya and Uganda. Demonstrating an ecosystem approach to increase water security and community resilience, the intention is to attract interest of global leaders and to stimulate replication and scaling up of the approach elsewhere. The commitment was be featured as an exemplary approach to addressing critical challenges during the session on Climate Change and Resiliency: Redefining Business as Usual, also on Monday September 28.
Jane Madgwick, CEO of Wetlands International, emphasizes in the press release below that wetland ecosystems are essential for storing and regulating water, and the continuing loss and degradation of wetlands is a strong driver of increasing water risks. IRC partners with Wetlands international in the Dutch WASH IT! partnership, led by IRC, joined by SIMAVI, AKVO, and a wide range of local and regional partners.
Read the press release below.