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Published on: 15/11/2017

THE HAGUE – 16 NOVEMBER, 2017 - IRC – the global water and sanitation experts – launch a social media campaign built round the personality of their CEO, or rather his poo.

“Patrick’s Poo’’ highlights the global sanitation crisis – 4.5 billion people do not have access to safe sanitation – and coincides with World Toilet Day on 19th November 2017. The 1.30’ minute film dramatises the fact that alongside toilets, people need proper sanitation systems – ‘’a toilet is just a hole full of sh*t, unless there is a (sanitation) system to deal with it’’.

Speaking at the launch of the campaign Patrick Moriarty, CEO, IRC said: ‘’The film is hard-hitting and unpleasant. But the status quo is worse, with a child dying every minute from diarrhoea or over half the world’s population still using unsafe sanitation. The UN Sustainable Development Goal is unequivocal, and to achieve universal access to safely managed sanitation, every toilet needs to be part of a sanitation system. And it’s not just a goal, it’s a fundamental human right.’’


Editor's notes

About Patrick's Poo social media campaign
Campaign video
Campaign blog 
Twitter: @IRCWASH - #LetsPutPooInItsPlace

Video teaser:

About World Toilet Day
The United Nations General Assembly officially designated November 19 as World Toilet Day in 2013. The World Toilet Day celebration is coordinated by UN-Water in collaboration with governments and partners. Read more:

About IRC
IRC is an international think-and-do tank that works with governments, NGOs, businesses and people around the world to build strong resilient water, sanitation and hygiene delivery systems.

Founded in 1968, our vast experience and dedicated staff of over 80 runs programmes in six focus countries and are involved in projects in more than 25 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

IRC is led by its CEO Patrick Moriarty, WASH systems nerd.


Vera van der Grift, Head of Global Communications / Petra Brussee, Head of Corporate Communications

T +31 70 304 4000

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