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What is currently working well and what needs to be urgently addressed for meaningful reporting on implementation and progress towards SDG 6 targets.

TitleMonitoring and accountability frameworks for SDG 6 : the role of civil society organisations
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsFonseca, C, van de Lande, L
Secondary TitlePandey, V.P., Shrestha, S., Wiberg, D., 2021. Water, climate change, and sustainability
Paginationpp. 141-150
Date Published03/2021
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons
Place PublishedChichester, UK
Publication LanguageEnglish
ISBN Number9781119564522

This chapter discusses the results of a review of accountability mechanisms for holding governments accountable to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 on clean water and sanitation in 25 countries. The data was collected and validated involving more than 1000 people from governmental and non-state organisations. This chapter summarizes the findings from country reports focusing on examples from the Asian countries.

The study provides insights on the limited existing in-country accountability mechanisms and their functioning, resulting in evidence for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and governments to find more effective ways to hold service providers accountable for reaching SDG 6 targets. The study concludes with a summary of what is currently working well and what needs to be urgently addressed for meaningful reporting on implementation and progress towards SDG 6 targets. [author abstract]



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