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What has been achieved so far

TitleCapitalisation fact sheet: Synergy of action initiated by IRC in Banfora
Publication TypeFact Sheet
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsIRC Burkina Faso
Date Published12/2021
PublisherIRC Burkina Faso
Place PublishedOuagadougou, Burkina Faso
Publication LanguageEnglish

A collaboration was initiated between IRC, the Gambidi Cultural Centre (GCC), Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the CDC Foundation for implementing the Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Strategic Plan of the municipality of Banfora. The collaboration aims to create synergy between the various actions of these partners in the water and sanitation sector in Banfora, to achieve the common objective of "Making Banfora the national reference in the water and sanitation sector by 2030." This has resulted in the development of a Memorandum of Understanding between the parties. Monthly and quarterly meetings are organised for monitoring and joint planning of actions. This collaboration has allowed IRC, CRS and the GCC to work together on several initiatives such as the incubation programme for young WASH project leaders in Banfora.

Citation Key88313



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