Juste is an expert in the governance of water, sanitation and hygiene services. He has two decades of professional experience in West Africa, particularly in Francophone countries. He is currently the director of IRC Burkina Faso and the director of IRC's regional programme in Africa.
Juste's ambition is to transform the water, sanitation and hygiene sector from inefficient systems at regional, national and local levels into strong government-led systems capable of delivering universal and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services in poor countries by 2030 (SDG6.)
He focuses on building or strengthening governance systems at both local and central government and regional intergovernmental levels. His work involves generating, testing and advising on governance solutions for key stakeholders.
Long-term strategic planning at the district level helps to identify improved service delivery models, system strengthening activities, financing... Read more...
As a result of the the iWET project, functionality in some districts has risen from 80% to 95%, scheme downtime has been reduced from 30 days to... Read more...
Though challenging, rigorous local-level monitoring is key to ensure equitable, quality service delivery. Read more...
More funding, standardisation of infrastructure designs and requirements, better sector coordination and better knowledge and resources sharing would... Read more...
There is a gap between what organisations have formulated in their strategies and programmatic approaches regarding social inclusion and the actual... Read more...
While a high proportion of people In Ethiopian have access to improved water and sanitation services, only a small minority receive services that... Read more...
Principaux résultats d'une recherche appliquée sur la qualité des services d'eau potable dans quatre localités périphériques de la commune de Parakou, au Bénin. Read more...
Principaux résultats d'une recherche appliquée sur la qualité des services d'eau potable dans quatre localités périphériques de la commune de Parakou... Read more...
Economic growth is a key foundation for long-lasting social advancements Read more...
A call to partners for impactful collaboration in Tenkodogo for achieving universal access to water and sanitation services. Read more...
L'accès équitable à l'eau potable et à l'assainissement reste l'un des défis majeurs de développement dans de nombreuses communes d'Afrique subsaharienne, et Tenkodogo, dans la région du Centre-Est du Burkina Faso, ne fait pas exception. Si des avancées ont été réalisées ces dernières années, la... Read more...
Equitable access to safe water and sanitation remains one of the major development challenges in many sub-Saharan African communities, and Tenkodogo, in Burkina Faso’s Centre-East region, is no exception. While progress has been made in recent years, the situation remains concerning, with... Read more...
Retour sur l'atelier international de Ouagadougou
Les lacunes du service public de l'eau potable en milieu rural au Burkina Faso, tant en matière de réglementation que de régulation, nécessitent une... Read more...
As development aid from wealthy nations is projected to decline over the coming decades, its focus is also shifting towards measurable impacts that empower recipient countries and reduce their long-term reliance on aid. Read more...
This blog outlines the Burkinabè experience with the complexity of turning political promises into sustainable outcomes. Read more...
Building on the success of the 2020-2022 project, the European Union has extended its collaboration with IRC Burkina through a €3.8 million initiative running until 2027. This blog explores the synergies between the two projects and highlights the ongoing journey towards achieving SDG 6 in Burkina... Read more...
This is the story of how a bold experiment in delegation and collaboration turned WASH despair into a beacon of hope Read more...
In 2023, IRC Burkina, supported by UNICEF, experimented with a delegated management model in two pilot schools, aiming to delegate toilet management... Read more...