John is Director of IRCs Global Programme and a member of the senior management team. IRC's Global Programme generates and uses evidence - working through partnerships - to drive change at scale in the systems that ultimately deliver water, sanitation and hygiene services at country and local levels.
John is a Briton and European, working from Lodz in Poland where he lives with his family. He has worked for IRC since 2005 and between 2016 and 2019 he was the country director in Ethiopia. He currently represents IRC in the Sanitation and Water for All led Heads of State Initiatives, the executive committee of the Agenda for Change, the Influence team for the One For Alliance, UN-water and the board of the Millennium Water Alliance.
This case study examines how a productive element was added to community water supply in Kamba to increase both water and food security. Read more...
The Millennium Water Alliance Ethiopia Programme (MWA-EP) has experimented with the Multiple Use water Services (or MUS) approach to improve water... Read more...
In Ethiopia, the Self-supply approach for rural water supply is expected to fill gaps left by other service delivery models including community water... Read more...
Tigray is a fabulous region to visit. A great base for visiting some of the finest tourism sites in Ethiopia. We were looking for something else: databases. More specifically we went to Tigray to find out how the region is making efforts to monitor the provision of water, sanitation and hygiene... Read more...
This study examines eight initiatives that are using information and communication technologies (ICTs) to monitor and report on water supply services... Read more...
With over a million handpumps in sub-Saharan Africa and new installations every day, handpump standardisation is still vital for the policy and... Read more...
On the 23 April 2015, a technical discussion was held at the Jupiter hotel in Addis Ababa to debate the findings of a study "Private Sector Landscape for WASH in Ethiopia – Bottlenecks and opportunities" commissioned by UNICEF and undertaken by IRC within the scope of the DFID-funded One WASH Plus... Read more...
IRC has been working in Ethiopia for more than a decade, and under IRCs new strategy (2012-16) a country programme has been established. It is one of... Read more...
A presentation by Jo Smet, for the IRC seminar, The human factor in WASH change processes: drivers for change among staff of WASH sector... Read more...
Communal wealth is one of the most important factors affecting rural water services, and household connections are the only technology which can... Read more...
This Qualitative Information System (QIS) monitoring training guide has been prepared for the BRAC WASH II programme in Bangladesh Read more...
A step by step guide on the siting of drilled water wells, from consideration of the user needs up to engaging a drilling contractor to construct the... Read more...
This case study looks at the implementation of asset management in two municipalities of South Africa. Read more...
As part of the World Water Day 2015 events organised in Addis Ababa, the My Water, My Business events brought attention to the efforts of households to improve their own water supplies. This included the 'Self-supply Seminar: promoting local initiative and business to help all Ethiopian's access safe water supplies' on 20 March 2015 and a parallel fair where Ethiopian enterprises showcased their low-cost products. This short film provides a brief summary of the event and debates including a call to support Ethiopia's efforts in Self-supply acceleration from HE Kebebe Gerba, State Minister.
Read more...This paper describes how the ASTRA tool can help identify potentially appropriate technical solutions fro the delivery of arsenic and saline-free... Read more...
What is the best technical solution to deal with arsenic-polluted and saline water in Bangladesh? When is it better to treat the water or to choose... Read more...
Triple-S has successfully promoted sustainability and the Service Delivery Approach (SDA) at the international level and in target countries. The... Read more...
Sustainability instruments contribute to better water, sanitation of hygiene (WASH) projects but still face shortcomings. Read more...
This blog post was prepared by Sally Sutton - previously coordinator of the Rural Water Supply Network flagship theme on Self-supply - who returned to Ethiopia in March 2015 to participate in the My Water, My Business events linked to the World Water Day celebrations. Sally has earlier supported... Read more...
Drawing on data on from 54 low- and middle-income countries on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in health care facilities, the report... Read more...