John is Director of IRCs Global Programme and a member of the senior management team. IRC's Global Programme generates and uses evidence - working through partnerships - to drive change at scale in the systems that ultimately deliver water, sanitation and hygiene services at country and local levels.
John is a Briton and European, working from Lodz in Poland where he lives with his family. He has worked for IRC since 2005 and between 2016 and 2019 he was the country director in Ethiopia. He currently represents IRC in the Sanitation and Water for All led Heads of State Initiatives, the executive committee of the Agenda for Change, the Influence team for the One For Alliance, UN-water and the board of the Millennium Water Alliance.
Activities as part of World Water Day 2015 events, 19-20 March 2015, in Addis Ababa Ethiopia Read more...
Systematic planning, inventory updates, and financial forecasting for assets carried out, and asset ownership clearly defined. Read more...
The UN General Assembly and the Human Rights Council formally recognised the human right to water and sanitation in 2010. This guidance provides... Read more...
This report presents results of the baseline assessment of the status of service levels, service providers and support functions, in East Gonja... Read more...
The focus is on salt water intrusion in coastal groundwater systems, as groundwater is the main resource of drinking water and irrigation water for... Read more...
While the importance of hygiene is increasingly being recognized, far less consideration has been given to the role of the complete WASH package in... Read more...
Sector approaches to combating corruption have gained momentum in recent years, with increased awareness that generic anti-corruption initiatives are... Read more...
Collection of stories reflecting the experiences of individuals involved in Triple-S Initiative in Uganda, containing key achievements at personal... Read more...
Trainees from Millennium Water Alliance partner woredas in Oromia region came together in Adama to learn how to 'trigger' Self-supply. Read more...
Sustainable groundwater use is more likely in Indian villages if farmers, other village community members and NGOs work together with researchers and... Read more...
Since commencing activities in July 2014, studies are now well underway including a baseline study covering 16 small towns and research on bottlenecks to private sector engagement in WASH. Read more...
This third post - in a series of articles on water resources management by Charles Batchelor and John Butterworth - looks at the idea of water security. In the first article we discussed IWRM and the 'i' for integration in water resources management, and the second looked at water services from a... Read more...
The Millenium Water Alliance – Ethiopia Programme (MWA-EP) brings together some of the largest NGOs working on WASH in Ethiopia. Just like in the One WASH National Programme, a new and eye catching activity in the second phase of the MWA-EP programme (2014-2017) is the inclusion of Self-supply... Read more...
This policy brief presents findings from piloting of M4W, an initiative to enable users to report water facility faults by SMS, in Uganda. Read more...
The second phase of the Millennium Water Alliance's (MWA) Ethiopia Program officially kicked-off at a workshop in Addis Ababa from 30 September to 2 October 2014. Read more...