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Review of the historical development of surface water treatment, including recent innovations, with an outlook to future trends.

TitleAbastecimiento de agua potable de agua superficial en los anos noventa
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsSchippers, JC, Kruithof, JC, van Dijk, JC
Secondary TitleComunicacion / TUDelft
Volumeno. 43
Paginationiii, 20 p. : 26 fig.
Date Published1992-02-01
PublisherDelft University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordschemical treatment, physical treatment, research, softening, surface waters

Review of the historical development of surface water treatment, including recent innovations, with an outlook to future trends. The convential coagulation-chlorination process is no longer acceptable due to water quality problems associated with chlorination by-products and pesticides. Water quality and environmental criteria will tighten, requiring the development of a process scheme that can deal with the complex mixture of pollutants found in surface waters. A chemical process based on the application of advanced oxidation processes and chemical softening and a physical process based on application of nanofiltration are presented and evaluated as alternatives.

Custom 1250
Translated TitleDrinking water supply from surface water in the nineties

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