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A study of 80 children form 6th and 7th grades was conducted to determine their beliefs and behaviours about drinking water and garbage management. The children come from a poor suburban population of the north of Buenos Aires.

TitleAgua de consumo y basuras : costumbres y creencias en escolares de una poblacion marginal
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsFerrarini, SO, Rancich, AM, Palma, NH
Paginationp. 292-298 : 5 tab.
Date Published1989-05-01
Keywordsargentina buenos aires, behaviour, beliefs, children, health impact, low-income communities, surveys

A study of 80 children form 6th and 7th grades was conducted to determine their beliefs and behaviours about drinking water and garbage management. The children come from a poor suburban population of the north of Buenos Aires. The survey showed that most of the children kept some drinking water provision at home. Therefore, they had to collect, store and treat the water. The pupils had correct knowledge about the process of contamination and some adequate behaviours concerning the hygiene of collection containers, but also showed inadequate conceptions about the protection of such containers and water treatment. The children reported inadequate behaviours and incorrect beliefs about the elimination of garbage. These results establish the need for teaching-learning experiences designed to reinforce correct knowledge and behaviour and modify the incorrect ones.

Notes11 ref.
Custom 1203.1
Translated TitleDrinking water and garbage : habits and beliefs in elementary school children from a marginal population

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