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TitleAlbum mujer y tecnologia apropiada para el tratamiento del agua
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsMarino, G, Rapacci, ML
Pagination32 p.: ill.
Date Published1990-01-01
PublisherENDA America Latina
Place PublishedBogota, Colombia
Keywordscolombia, health education, water quality, water treatment, women

The "Album" is meant to be used as a tool for community education on aspects related to water treatment, hygiene and the participation of women. Colourful pictures are to be placed in the album. In order to find the correct place for each one of the pictures, the text must be thoroughly read and messages should be understood. Each chapter starts with a puzzle of four pictures wich contain the main subject dealt with in the respective chapter. The following topics are discussed in a very direct and concrete manner: historical and social aspects of water; water and the environment; women and water; water uses and management; purification of drinking water; slow sand filtration; water storage; and water conservation.

Custom 1202.1, 250
Translated TitleAlbum women and appropriate technology for water treatment

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