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TitleComo apoyar la gestion comunitaria de sistemas de abastecimiento de agua : guias para administradores
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsBolt, E, Fonseca, C
Secondary TitleSerie documentos tecnicos / IRC
Volumeno. 37
Pagination149 p. : 5 fig., photogr., 9 tab.
Date Published2002-10-01
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9066870389
Keywordscapacity building, community management, cost recovery, decentralization, evaluation, external support agencies, financing, gender, government organizations, guidelines, information analysis, information gathering, information management, information storage, monitoring, non-governmental organizations, planning, private sector, rural areas, sdiman, sdipar, sustainability, uebw, water supply

53 ref.

Translated TitleHow to support community management of water supplies : guidelines for managers

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