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TitleControl de precios de transferencia en la industria de agua potable y alcantarillado
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsHantke-Domas, M
Pagination65 p. : boxes, fig.
Date Published2011-02-01
PublisherUnited Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
Place PublishedSantiago, Chile
Keywordschile, economic aspects, legislation, sdiman, wastewater, water supply

The purpose of this report is to systematize and to identify: i) the typical problems that arise on purchases and contracts between regulated firms and their relations through the same corporate group, with emphasis on the sector of water and wastewater, and ii) the state of the art tools and regulatory measures to address this problem. In addition, the study examines Chile's regulatory framework from the point of view of their adequacy to deal with identified problems and proposed strategies for their improvement. (Transl. Author's abstract)

NotesBibliography: 43 - 45
Custom 1202.7, 827
Translated TitleControl of transfer prices in the water supply and sewerage industry

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