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TitleCurso taller de tecnologia y participacion social en agua potable y saneamiento en zonas rurales, Mexico D.F., del 24 al 26 de Noviembre de 1998 : memoria
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsMX, MComision N
Pagination120 p.
Date Published1999-04-01
PublisherComision Nacional del Agua
Place PublishedMexico City, Mexico
Keywordscolombia, community management, costa rica, decentralization, evaluation, institutional framework, legislation, maintenance, monitoring, operation, participatory methods, peru, planning, rural areas, safe water supply, sanitation, sdilac, water management

The document picks up experiences of four Latin America nations and the IRC of The Netherlands, in connection with the  shop interest topic. The contents of eight exhibitions are presented such as hydraulic planning, decentralization and community participation. Equally the work of six discussion tables on diverse topics: participation technics, user training for the operation and maintenance of the systems, and the monitoring and the participative evaluation, among others. The participants of the workshop conclude about the importance of the community participation, including particulary the women and the children, as the base for the availability  of training, as acentral axis to get a true managerial administration of the drinking water and sewer system services. To reach this ideal situation, it is required a state political  and a allocation economical resourses.

Custom 1202.6, 302.6
Translated TitleTraining workshop on technology and social participation in drinking water and sanitation in rural areas, Mexico City, 24-26 November 1998 : proceedings

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