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TitleEl colera
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsGreenough, WB
Secondary TitleHabitat, saneamiento y salud
Volumeno. 1
Pagination44 p.: 3 fig., 6 tab.
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherCentro de Investigaciones CIUDAD
Place PublishedQuito, Ecuador
Keywordscholera, vibrio cholerae
Notes98 ref. - Translation of: Greenough III, W.B. (1990). Vibrio cholerae. In: Mandell, G.L., Douglas, R.G. and Bennett, J.E. (ed.) Principles and practice of infectious diseases.- 3rd ed.- Churchill Livingstone Inc.- P. 1636-1646
Custom 1245.11
Translated TitleCholera

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