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Describes the process of obtaining water in four peri-urban areas of Lima. An historical perspective is given covering the last 20 years.

TitleEmpresas de servicios y usuarios urbano populares : como desarrolar proyectos comunes?
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsEspinoza, N, Riofrio, G, Olivera, L, Calderon, J
Pagination37 p.
Date Published1989-01-01
Place PublishedLima, Peru
Keywordscase studies, community participation, financing, institutional framework, peri-urban communities, peru, peru lima, sewerage, water authorities, water supply

Describes the process of obtaining water in four peri-urban areas of Lima. An historical perspective is given covering the last 20 years. A well-organized community is seen as being extremely important for the creation of or improvement in the financial circumstances of communities handicapped by an inflationary economy. The community is seen as playing a vital role in bringing the municipal water authority (SEDAPAL) and financial institutions together in order to tackle both long and short-term problems. It is suggested that the peri-urban communities in Lima should not and cannot act merely as passive recipients, but that they need to take an active role in urban development projects. Participation in this context seems to be more a response to the failings of the local institutional arrangements. One of the key areas of concern was the appropriateness of financing mechanisms which might not take into consideration the effects of an inflationary economy.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1827
Translated TitleServices, public utility companies and urban users : how to develop projects together

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