Title | Evaluacion del uso de letrinas en el proyecto Yacupaj |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1993 |
Authors | J. H., S, Goytia, N |
Edition | Rev. ed. |
Pagination | 44 p.: fig., tab. |
Date Published | 1993-01-01 |
Publisher | World Bank |
Place Published | Potosi, Bolivia |
Keywords | bolivia, bolivia potosi, evaluation, pit latrines, pour flush latrines, projects, scattered communities, use of facilities, ventilated improved pit latrines |
Abstract | Two years after the initial phase of the project, 1009 latrines had been installed as part of the personal and environmental hygiene programme. An evaluation took place focusing on use of the latrines, the users, and the cultural aspects influencing the use of facilities. In the three provinces were the evaluation took place, 87 per cent of the new latrines were used of which 79 per cent adequately. All beneficiaries said that latrines were used to avoid diseases, which is seen as a result of hygiene education. Children appeared to be the most frequent users, mainly through use of school latrines. The reason for non-use of the latrines is lack of hygiene education; quality of the facility has little influence on its use. Although family contribution (labour and local material) to the construction is very low when compared to total costs, it stimulates the demand for latrines even without previous hygiene education given to the community. It is recommended to reinforce hygiene education, taking into account cultural aspects; to motivate and raise awareness for proper use of the latrines; and to have construction of latrines accompanied by water supply. Community participation is seen as a key element for the continuation of the use of latrines after external support is withdrawn. Special recommendations are made regarding site selection, construction technolgy, and construction materials. |
Custom 1 | 827, 321.0 |
Translated Title | Evaluation of the use of latrines in the Yacupaj project |