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TitleFuentes renovables de energia para sistemas de abastecimiento de agua
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsHofkes, EH, Visscher, JT
Secondary TitleSerie documentos tecnicos / IRC
Volumeno. 23
Paginationxvii, 156 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1990-01-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9066870133
Keywordsbiomass, comparative analysis, costs, energy, feasibility studies, hydraulic rams, mp, rural supply systems, selection criteria, solar energy, solar-powered pumps, turbines, water lifting devices, wind-powered pumps
NotesIncludes references, glossary and list of manufacturers and information sources
Custom 1232.0
Translated TitleRenewable energy sources for rural water supply
Original PublicationRenewable energy sources for rural water supply

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