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TitleInforme de evaluacion de las experiencias Nicaraguenses con la bomba de mecate : informe final
Publication TypeProgress Report
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsSmet, JEM, Brikke, F, Bredero, M, Belli, A, Engelhardt, B, Lammerink, M
Paginationca. 110 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published1995-11-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Keywordsacceptance, costs, design, domestic use, efficiency, evaluation, field studies, hand pumps, irrigation, maintenance, nicaragua, operation, private sector, replicability, rope-and-washer pumps, sustainability

On title page: Midiendo la eficiencia, la sostenibilidad, socio-economica e institucional, la capacidad de pago, la aceptacion y replicabilidad de una tecnologia especifica de elevacion de agua subterranea.

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Translated TitleEvaluation report Nicaraguan experiences with rope pump : final report

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