Document to provide guidance to organizations and individuals involved in the design and establishment of support mechanisms that contribute to a greater capacity for sustained community management of rural systems.
Title | Mecanismos de apoyo institucional para los sistemas rurales de agua potable y saneamiento manejados por las comunidades en América Latina |
Publication Type | Research Report |
Year of Publication | 2002 |
Authors | Lockwood, H |
Secondary Title | Informe estratégico / EHP |
Volume | no. 6 |
Pagination | xiv, 79 p. : 28 boxes |
Date Published | 01/2002 |
Publication Language | English |
Keywords | community management, decentralization, financing, institutional aspects, latin america, legislation, private sector, rural areas, sanitation, sdilac, sdiman, uebw, water resources, water supply |
Abstract | Document to provide guidance to organizations and individuals involved in the design and establishment of support mechanisms that contribute to a greater capacity for sustained community management of rural systems. Drawing on lessons from a review of existing examples, it provides a framework for the establishment of such support mechanisms, explores key issues to be taken into consideration and includes a range of potential institutional models. The document can also be considered as a resource tool to support advocacy efforts in highlighting the problem of sustainability and to raise awareness among key actors, including the major policy and donor agencies, about the importance of post-project support to communities. |
Notes | 18 ref. |
Custom 1 | 827, 202.2, 302.2 |
Translated Title | Institutional support mechanisms for community-managed rural water supply and sanitation systems in Latin America |
Original Publication | Institutional support mechanisms for community-managed rural water supply and sanitation systems in Latin America |
Citation Key | 54413 |