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Field manual meant to provide guidelines for the promotion and development of gender in all phases of a project. The manual presents ideas, concepts, verification lists, group techniques, cases, and frameworks.

TitleMejor, cuando es de a dos : el genero en los proyectos de agua y saneamiento : guía de campo
Publication TypeManual
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsEspejo, N, van der Pol, I
Secondary TitleOccasional paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 26
Paginationx, 73 p.: fig., ill.
Date Published1994-01-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Keywordscab94/5, community participation, gender, guidelines, sanitation, water supply, women

Field manual meant to provide guidelines for the promotion and development of gender in all phases of a project. The manual presents ideas, concepts, verification lists, group techniques, cases, and frameworks. The manual is the result of a workshop held in Cali, Colombia where 18 participants from 11 Latin American countries met. The tools provided are aimed at professionals working in water and sanitation projects.


24 ref. - On cover page: Guia de campo [= field manual

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202.2, 302.1

Translated TitleBetter when together : gender in water and sanitation projects
Original PublicationTogether for water and sanitation : tools to apply a gender approach : the Asian experience, Gender in community water supply, sanitation and water resource protection : a guide to methods and techniques, La politique du genre dans l'hydraulique villageoi
Citation Key36706

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