Communities, leaders, government institutions and NGOs, under the direction of Cinara and with advice from IRC, implemented at pilot level, processes of investigation, development and transfer of Multi Stage Filtration (MSF) in the Research and Technology
Title | Planeacion y diseño de sistemas de tratamiento de agua por filtracion en multiples etapas, FiME |
Publication Type | Video |
Year of Publication | 1999 |
Authors | Cali, COCINARA-, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL |
Pagination | video (20 min.): VHS, NTSC |
Date Published | 1999-01-01 |
Publisher | CINARA |
Place Published | Cali, Colombia |
Keywords | colombia, community participation, design, institutional framework, multi-stage filtration, planning, rural areas, sdilac, sdiman, sdiwat, social aspects, technology transfer, water sources, water treatment plants |
Abstract | Communities, leaders, government institutions and NGOs, under the direction of Cinara and with advice from IRC, implemented at pilot level, processes of investigation, development and transfer of Multi Stage Filtration (MSF) in the Research and Technology transfer station of Cinara in Cali, Colombia, and at full scale in different regions of Colombia. MSF is a technology for the treatment of surface water, environment-friendly and viable to be operated and managed by communities, even in situations where there is a lack of formal education or/and limited management capacity. The video describes briefly the different filters used in MSF and focuses on main issues that need to be taken into account when planning and designing water treatment systems. Namely: sources of water, local cultural issues as well as economic and social activities around water, soil and topographic studies, functionality versus cost saving, choosing local materials for construction, looking at previous experiences/projects concerning water supply and presenting different alternatives to the communities. Also, the commitment and capacity of the community and the links between local governments and the communities are topics raised to ensure the success and the sustainability of the projects. |
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Translated Title | Planning and design of water treatment systems by multi stage filtration (MSF) |