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More than 850,000 inhabitants of Lima's peri-urban areas are supplied by 423 water trucks. This study gives information on the water truck system and its main problems.

TitleProyecto "Implementacion de Estrategias de Concertacion para el Mejoramiento de Servicios de Agua Abastecidos por Camiones Cisterna en Asentamientos Humanos" : informe final : 1a. parte
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsLima, PEDelAgua -
Pagination15 p.: fig., photogr.
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherDelAgua Peru
Place PublishedLima, Peru
Keywordsperi-urban communities, peru lima, planning, projects, tanker transport, water quality, water supply charges

More than 850,000 inhabitants of Lima's peri-urban areas are supplied by 423 water trucks. This study gives information on the water truck system and its main problems. Most users involved in the system are compelled to buy water from the trucks in addition to other water systems. The methodology of the study included meetings to get community organizations, unions, and government institutions on one line, which resulted in a plan for improvement. A significant potential for negotiations among users, water suppliers, municipality, and SEDAPAL has been found. To improve the water quality and respond to the needs of the users suggestions for a better organization and regulation of the water truck system are proposed.

Custom 1261, 827
Translated TitleProject "Implementation of Coordination Strategies for the Improvement of Water Supply Services by Tank Trucks in Human Settlements" : final report : 1st part

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