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The issues contain topics like community participation, education, technical introductions, work of the promoter, water, and hygienepersonal and social hygiene.

TitleProyecto Yacupaj
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsSoto, B, Cortez, G
Pagination20 p. (x 5): ill.
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherUNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
Place PublishedPotosi, Bolivia
Keywordsbolivia, hect

The issues contain topics like community participation, education, technical introductions, work of the promoter, water, and hygienepersonal and social hygiene.

Notes5 Issues are available in this library: no.1: Abriendo camino, no.2: Optica de tecnicas participativas, no.3: Promotor, no.4: Agua, and no.5: Higiene y salud.
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