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4 Issues of the series are available in this library: no.4: operacion y mantenimiento de obras de saneamiento basico en comunidades rurales, no.5: manual de albanileria para obras de saneamiento basico, no.6: diseno de algunos materiales escritos, and no.

TitleProyecto Yacupaj
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsSoto, B, Caviendes, C, C. Soliz, P, Quiroga, M
Pagination40 p. (x 4): ill., 3 annex
Date Published1992-01-01
PublisherUNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
Place PublishedPotosi, Bolivia
Keywordscolombia, hect

4 Issues of the series are available in this library: no.4: operacion y mantenimiento de obras de saneamiento basico en comunidades rurales, no.5: manual de albanileria para obras de saneamiento basico, no.6: diseno de algunos materiales escritos, and no.7: pautas para el manejo de la diarrea. The issues explain basic sanitation works in rural communities, maintenance work, function and production of written materials and diarrhoea.

Custom 1144
Translated TitleYacupaj project

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