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Technical guide to direct the thematical contents and the training procedures of workshops developed by sanitary technicians for motivators.

TitleSaneamiento y salud
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsLima, PECEPIS-, Lima, PEUNICEF-, PE, PMinisterio
Secondary TitleGuia tecnica
Pagination8 p.: ill.
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherCEPIS (Centro Panamericano de Ingenieria Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente)
Place PublishedLima, Peru
Keywordsdisposal, environmental health, food hygiene, health education, health impact, household hygiene, latrines, personal hygiene, peru, sanitation

Technical guide to direct the thematical contents and the training procedures of workshops developed by sanitary technicians for motivators. The guide gives the problem, the objectives, basic information, actions to promote and a summary on the following subjects: environmental health, household hygiene, personal hygiene, food hygiene, latrines, and garbage disposal.

Custom 1304
Translated TitleSanitation and health

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