Workshop on a new initiative in the commune of Banfora: JI SANIYANI. Read more...
Atelier d'une nouvelle initiative dans la commune de Banfora : JI SANIYANI. Read more...
Effective WASH services are a source of resilience for communities under threat from COVID-19 Read more...
Asutifi North district was one of the three selected districts where successes and challenges in the provision of water and sanitation services were collected. Read more...
Bongo District in Upper East Region, is one of the driest areas of Ghana with a population of just over 103,000 people. More than 30 boreholes had to be taken out of use because of dangerously high levels of fluoride in some underground water, causing damage to the bones and teeth of the people who... Read more...
Wassa East in Western Region is an overwhelmingly rural area with a population of more than 105,000 people. The district was facing a water crisis in 2015. About six out of every ten water facilities were non-functional, and payment systems had largely broken down. The District Assembly launched a... Read more...
Ugandan NGO network calls on the national government to prioritise access to safe water. Read more...
This report highlights the activities of the 2020 Regional Water and Environment Week which included among others clean-up exercises, home improvement campaigns and public dialogue. Read more...
Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso have put in place a number of measures around drinking water and sanitation in the fight against the coronavirus. But have the needs of the most vulnerable people really been taken into account? Are they able to cope during this pandemic? Read more...
Le Mali, le Niger et le Burkina Faso ont mis en œuvre une batterie de mesures sociales dans le secteur eau potable et assainissement dans le cadre de la lutte contre le coronavirus. Mais les besoins des populations, notamment celles dites vulnérables ont-elles été réellement prises en compte pour... Read more...
Through source security, service provision and waste management, the state of Bihar has used a holistic approach to ensure sustainability of services. Read more...
Everything for the privileged and nothing for the disadvantaged! Read more...
This Watershed webinar shares and discusses WASH and IWRM developments. Read more...
How can you help NGOs and citizens in Mali better stand up for their rights when it comes to water and sanitation? Read more...
IRC is providing technical support to UNICEF to help implement the "Drink From Tap" Mission. Read more...
IRC collaborated with partners to develop a new approach to assess WASH risks in marginal populations in Ethiopia. Read more...
Local communities, CSOs, and government work together to pilot new agricultural activities, which don't harm a vital source of water. Read more...
An indigenous movement helps women and people living with disabilities advocate for their rights in public platforms. Read more...
Watershed report with recommendations on social inclusion for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs' WASH strategy 2016-2030. Read more...
The government's flagship Climate Resilient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (CR-WASH) initiative focuses on lowland investments in 'resilient' technologies such as deep boreholes and more resilient piped water infrastructure. These seek to displace emergency humanitarian interventions in drought-... Read more...