MUStRAIN case study on addressing livestock needs together with other water uses. Read more...
IRC's webinar of November 2013 brought together experiences on Self-supply on water services from East and West Africa. Read more...
This case study focuses on the less documented faecal sludge reuse interventions in Ethiopia: Arborloo and Fossa Alterna, as implemented in East Arsi and Eastern Hararghe, in the Central Rift Valley, and in Arba Minch. The case study is part of the MUStRAIN case study series in which the uptake of... Read more...
The first of three SWIBANGLA missions examines salinity problems in coastal Bangladesh. Read more...
On 26 June, over twenty representatives from Dutch government, NGOs and private sector organisations participated in a seminar in The Hague, to share their experiences on MUS. Read more...
Bientôt, l'on ne verra plus les sachets plastiques ordinaires dans les différentes artères du pays. Les opérateurs économiques et le gouvernement ivoirien ont convenu, lors d'une rencontre qui s'est tenue hier au ministère de l'Industrie, au Plateau, de la suppression de ces sachets, qu'ils soient... Read more...
SWIBANGLA is the name of the winning project tendered by the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre for the BRAC WASH II programme. SWIBANGLA stands for managing saltwater intrusion impacts in Bangladesh and was kicked-off formally at the BRAC head office in Dhaka on Sunday 7 July, 2013. Read more...
The Managing Saltwater Intrusion Impacts in Bangladesh (SWIBANGLA) applied research project aims to make the salinization issue an integral part of water safety planning in Bangladesh. This can only be achieved when a sufficient level of awareness, knowledge and skills is reached. Read more...
La qualité des eaux usées déversées dans les égouts et le collecteur principal du réseau d'assainissement de la vallée du M'Zab (Daya Ben Dahoua, Ghardaïa, Bounoura et El Ateuf) ne répond plus aux critères des eaux à épurer par une station de lagunage conçue uniquement pour le traitement des eaux... Read more...
IRC's Marieke Adank kicked off the seminar, bringing together 23 participants from 17 different organisations with a short video to get everyone up to speed on the concept of MUS, and with an outline on the backgorund and the objectives of the event: to share, to collaborate and to develop joint... Read more...
In November 2012 we conducted a series of interviews at national and woreda level on the links, or missing links, between the WASH sector and micro-finance institutes. There is collaboration between micro-finance institutes (MFIs) and the WASH sector, with MFIs supporting the sector to get money to... Read more...
La nouvelle norme expérimentale XP T 90-223 détermine une méthode générale de dosage de certains médicaments et métabolites contenus dans des échantillons d'eaux destinées à la consommation humaine, aux eaux souterraines et aux eaux de surface en utilisant une technique de chromatographie. Read more...
Alternative service provider options refer to models such as self-supply and public-private partnerships, that are a departure from the conventional model of community-based management that has tended to dominate rural water supplies. Read more...
The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation (TCCAF) and its partners have launched the Replenish Africa Initiative's (RAIN) Multiple Use Water Improvements project in Ethiopia. This one-year project will benefit 73,400 rural citizens, including 22,000 school children living in seven rural woredas (districts)... Read more...
Dr Kurian Baby, IRC India Country Director, discussed the issue of water security in India. Read more...
This presentation was given during the Indian High-Level Roundtable on Sustainable Drinking Water Services last 13 March 2013 in New Delhi. Read more...
Ce guide technique présente en détail la fabrication d’une pompe manuelle immergée avec des tuyaux PVC pression, des pneus usés et du bois. Read more...
L’express du Faso a publié une lettre ouverte de deux habitants de la région de Dafra, près de Bobo demandant aux autorités locales coutumières et administratives de tout mettre en œuvre pour sauver le site sacré de Dafra de la pollution aquatique. Read more...
This workshop is part of an initiative to promote the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation in the WASH sector through building the capacity of WASH sector professionals. The effort ultimately aims to influence the way that the WASH sector addresses the challenges posed by climate change... Read more...
Estudios de caso mostraron que la práctica de usos múltiples del agua es una realidad en muchas comunidades rurales de Honduras. Se desarrolló una guía para anticipar estos usos en el diseño y la gestión de los servicios de agua, y se la aplicó en comunidades del departamento de La Paz. Read more...