The NGO “Give to Colombia” will implement several pilot projects that will serve as models for the Rural Water Supply and Wastewater Management Program in Colombia. The pilot projects will focus on WASH in schools, post-construction support, household connections and self-supply models. IRC has a... Read more...
Dans la commune rurale de Bouroum, au Burkina Faso, la pratique de l’orpaillage pollue l’eau de la rivière qui traverse la localité, important point d’approvisionnement en eau des populations. Depuis que les activités d’orpaillage ont commencé dans la localité, les habitants du village ont remarqué... Read more...
Una sistematización de experiencias con el uso múltiple del agua en 14 comunidades en diferentes partes de Honduras revela que es una práctica casi universal, con impactos tanto en la economía familiar como en la sostenibilidad de los servicios. Read more...
Various case studies confirm that multiple-use of water is a common practice in rural communities in Honduras. IRC and FHIS developed a guideline to support consideration for these uses in the design and management of rural water supplies. This guideline was applied in a number of communities in... Read more...
“ If Multiple-Use Services (MUS) is such a good idea, why is it difficult scale-up? “ This question was raised during the MUS seminar at the Stockholm World Water Week. According to Barbara van Koppen (IWMI), finding an answer to these questions requires an analysis of limitations in the public... Read more...
A new video highlights India’s largest well recharge programme in Thrissur, Kerala. The Mazhapolima participatory well recharge programme was set up by IRC's Dr Kurian Baby in May 2008, when he was Thrissur District Collector. Read more...
At the Stockholm World Water Week 2012, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC), together with partners from the Multiple-Use Services (MUS) Group, will be promoting the use of domestic water supplies to improve food security. Water use at the homestead-level, for small-scale production... Read more...
The department of La Paz is located two hours from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. La Paz is a region famous for the coffee export, cold climate and abundant water. There are four projects implemented using the Multiple Use Water Services (MUS) approach by FHIS, the Honduran Social Investment Fund, with... Read more...
Greenpeace warns that new coal-fired power stations and coal mines will lead to a water crisis in South Africa. It calls on the government to quit coal and embrace the country’s renewable energy potential. Read more...
A new study covering 40 African countries shows that they are making good progress with integrated approaches to water resources management. Over 75 per cent of the member countries of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) are implementing national national water laws and nearly half are... Read more...
Marking the 10th anniversary of the formation of the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW), the 4th Africa Water Week will celebrate AMCOW's achievements and reflect on opportunities for achieving water security and adequate sanitation in Africa. Over 1,000 participants are expected. Read more...
By Mustapha Sesay, Sierra Leone. Water is an essential in our daily activities and a basic right for all to access it at affordable rate. It is unfortunate that as the world continues to celebrate World Water Day, most developing countries including Sierra Leone suffer from acute water shortage to... Read more...
Un llamado para adoptar políticas que promuevan el uso del agua, no sólo para el consumo en los hogares, sino también para la alimentación y el desarrollo de actividades económicas que generen ingresos. Read more...
In Dr V. Kurian Baby's, IRC senior programe officer in South Asia, keynote address on the occasion of the World Water Day 2012, he stressed the need to enlarge the concept of food security to integrate drinking water security. Read more...
On a day when the UN is highlighting water and food security, the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre is calling for policy changes to promote the use of water at home to boost people’s livelihoods. Homestead-level, small-scale production from livestock and vegetable gardens make a... Read more...
Plusieurs structures existent au Cameroun capables d’implémenter des plans d’actions efficaces pour l’assainissement et l’accès pour tous à l’eau potable. Seulement, l’incoordination reste l’un des nœuds à dénouer dans l’urgence. En 2009, La coalition WASH est née d’une initiative du … Read more...
The SWITCH project was a five year experiment focused on some of the key sustainability challenges in urban water management. In a number of cities around the globe, it set out to test what was needed for a transition to more sustainable urban water management through a combination of demand-led... Read more...
Development aid should refocus on strengthening national institutions and improving governance in ways that promote citizen security, provide justice and create jobs, particularly in fragile states, the World Bank’s latest World Development Report (WDR) suggests. Some 1.5 billion people live in... Read more...
The Middle East is likely to plunge into a serious humanitarian crisis due to depletion of water resources, unless remedial measures are introduced urgently, says a new report [1]. The Strategic Foresight Group prepared the report, "The Blue Peace", with support from the Swiss Agency for... Read more...
Selection of papers and reports on Water, Households and Rural Livelihoods (WHIRL), a joint Indian, South African and UK project, co-ordinated by the Natural Resources Institute (NRI). Read more...