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If you could start from scratch and design a new WASH sustainability tool, what would it look like? Participants from the 2014 WASH Sustainability Forum share their ideas on the principles of their ideal WASH sustainability tool. The 2014 WASH Sustainability Forum brought together over 150 participants from nearly 30 countries to discuss concrete approaches to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sustainability. The Forum took place in Amsterdam, on 30 June and 1 July.
Read more...IRC updated its ladder to measure effectiveness of hygiene interventions, which is breaking down hygiene practices according to categories, and that can be used to compare the "before" and "after" behaviour of a beneficiary, for a given intervention. Read more...
Can the new trade-based approach help ensure that every person in the world enjoys safe water, sanitation and hygiene, now and forever? IRC's event The Limits of Aid, the Future of Trade? will shed light on opportunities and challenges of the aid-and-trade agenda towards ensuring that everyone can... Read more...
A passionate school teacher took the lead in making his school a model in sanitation. However, the ground in front of the school is an open defecation area. Read more...
This second post - in a series of articles on water resources management by Charles Batchelor and John Butterworth - looks at water services from a water resource management (WRM) perspective. In the first article we discussed IWRM and the 'i' for integration in water resources management. Read more...
"We can see that what was happening six or seven thousand years ago is still affecting what is happening in the subsurface from a salinity point of view. If you want to know what is happening now, you have to go back in time and try to understand how the groundwater system works," says Oude Essink Read more...
In 2013, Dutch development policy shifted from aid to trade as the primary engine of sustainable, inclusive growth. In this interview, Mr. Christophe Leger of Vergnet Hydro reflects on the value of partnerships between the private sector and non-governmental organisations for building sustainable... Read more...
IRC développe une méthodologie permettant de mesurer les changements de comportements dans le cadre d’un programme d’assainissement mettant en œuvre des latrines EcoSan. Read more...
IRC a mis à jour son échelle de mesure d'efficacité des interventions d'hygiène, qui décompose les pratiques d'hygiène en catégories permettant de situer les comportements d'un bénéficiaire entre un "avant" et un "après" une intervention. Read more...
IRC and partners have supported the government of Sierra Leone in launching an initiative for learning in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector. A sector learning framework has been developed in consultation with sector players. Now leadership and commitment are needed to move sector learning... Read more...
What about looking deep into on-going WASH programmes and analysing their strengths and weaknesses? What about designing innovative ways of measuring the effectiveness of these approaches? And what about testing adjustments to their activities to make the interventions even more effective? Read more...
At the 37th WEDC conference in Hanoi, Vietnam the theme is "Sustainable Water and Sanitation Service for All in a Fast Changing World". IRC and partners will be co-organising a side event and presenting a number of papers. Monday 15 September The paper Developing capacity for an integrated... Read more...
In many parts of the world it is not done to ask questions about someone’s loo or toilet. It is not discussed among neighbours or friends. Usually that is the case in places where sanitation works perfectly and is not considered anything special. Read more...
Prepare for life-cycle costs and service level data for sharing Read more...
The Dutch government has introduced a trade-based approach to development. Is this good or bad for the WASH sector? Read more...
Life-cycle cost approach has been adapted to cost the provision of water services to refugees in camps Read more...
In Stockholm, CWSA and IRC presented Ghana's new monitoring framework for rural and small town water services, which enables monitoring of services provided and sustained at scale. Read more...
Access and share life-cycle costs quickly
Sierra Leone's Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of Health and Sanitation have spearheaded learning and better coordination in the sector to achieve national water and sanitation targets.Translating high-level commitment into daily practice takes determination, time and skills. Read more...