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Een blogpost met reflecties op het Wereld Water Dag thema: Betaalbaarheid van publieke voorzieningen, waarom is er meer aandacht voor energie dan voor water? Read more...
Summarising the key findings agreed upon by the participants of the three‐day workshop Read more...
Women tell how WASH Committees have helped to introduce sanitation in their villages in Bangladesh. This video was produced by the BRAC WASH Programme for World Toilet Day 2013,
This video, produced by the BRAC WASH programme, shows slides of handwashing promotion sessions for different groups (children, adolescent girls, women, men), as well as for schools, village WASH committees and mosques (imams). It was was released on 5 May 2013 to coincide with the World Health Organization's (WHO) annual global campaign to promote better hand hygiene in health care.
Dick de Jong speaks to BRAC WASH Director Dr Babar Kabir on at the 2013 World Water Day celebration in the Peace Palace in The Hague on 21 March.
A short video, produced for World Water Day 2013, showing the technologies used in the BRAC WASH II programme to provide safe, arsenic-free water, including: handpump deep tube wells, arsenic removal filters, pond sand filters and piped water systems.
BRAC is addressing high absenteeism rates among female students through a water and sanitation programme across rural Bangladesh.
This video by BRAC relates the story of one determined teenager and her commitment to helping BRAC's Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programme (WASH) achieve its goals.
Though only fourteen years old, Akhi is already a leader in her community. Education has helped define Akhi's vision for the future and instilled in her a sense of responsibility. Through involvement in BRAC programmes, Ahki gained the opportunity to improve life for herself and people in her village. She now teaches people in her community how to live safer and healthier lives.
Babar Kabir, Director Disaster Environment and Climate Change and Water and Sanitation Hygiene of BRAC Bangladesh talks about BRAC?s work. They work on a holistic cycle integrating water and sanitation with hygiene. Recently they finished BRAC WASH 1 in April 2011 to provide 25 million people with improved hygienic latrines. Their next steps are to build on this success as it takes longer than 4.5 years to change behaviours. They are consolidating their actions on those that are higher to convince, the last 5-10%. They are also concentrating on building entrepreneurship skills so that the hardware part can continue and the community will also play a role in the long term sustainability. Mapping water resources and emptying pit latrines are two areas which link BRAC?s WASH work with work on food security.
Interviewed by Nick Dickinson, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre at the Stockholm World Water Week 2011 on Wednesday 24 August 2011
This video highlights the activities and achievements of the BRAC WASH programme in Bangladesh, which started in 2007.
Read more...The record of the WASHTech December 2013-webinar on the validation, introduction and scaling up of water and sanitation technologies in a country or a given local area. Read more...
A learning 'sector' is one that engages in continuous learning and reflection and is thus able to adapt to changing circumstances and demands. Read more...
A comical Ugandan advert promoting the use of clean toilets called Kayonjos.
Read more...World Water Day is this year celebrated on March 22 under the theme "Water and Energy". In this Ugandan newspaper article, IRC Uganda explains why attention should be given to the waste of human energy due to a lack of investment in long-term services. Read more...
'Each year World Water Day is an opportunity for all actors to pay attention to the challenges that continue to hinder effective delivery of water services, especially to the rural population', says Jane Nabunnya Mulumba, country coordinator of the Triple-S initiative in Uganda. This video shows how stakeholder cooperation enhances water facilities.
Read more...LA HAYE, le 18 mars 2014 – La Fondation Conrad N. Hilton a accordé 3 millions de dollars à l'IRC – une organisation de référence œuvrant pour l'accès universel à des services d'eau adéquats. L'objectif de cet investissement est d'assurer d'ici trois ans l'accès à des services d'eau pérennes pour 1,... Read more...
Last week it was World Water Day 2014 , with the topic of "water and energy". I see obvious issues coming by on the water-energy nexus (which by the way is one of those development sector buzz words that I start disliking more every day. I hope the next buzz word is a bit more, uh, sparkling), such... Read more...
How often do you start something, and forget about it? This has been the harsh reality in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector for many years. Pumps break down, water stops flowing, money is wasted. To combat this short-term planning, IRC developed an elegant and simple tool: the... Read more...
THE HAGUE, 20 March 2014 – IRC announced today that they will be an exhibitor at the Reinvent the Toilet Fair: India event which will be co-hosted by the Government of India's Department of Biotechnology and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in March 2014. IRC will showcase the WASHCost... Read more...
IRC will present its WASHCost calculator at a fair showcasing innovations in the sanitation sector. Read more...