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"Le fleuve a la parole" est un film documentaire de l'OMVS sur le fleuve Sénégal et sur l'approche participative adoptée par l'organisation pour impliquer davantage les populations à la base (toutes les catégories d'acteurs intéressés par l'aménagement du bassin du fleuve Sénégal) dans le processus... Read more...
"Le fleuve a la parole" est un film documentaire de l’OMVS sur le fleuve Sénégal et sur l’approche participative adoptée par l’organisation pour impliquer davantage les populations à la base (toutes les catégories d’acteurs intéressés par l’aménagement du bassin du fleuve Sénégal) dans le processus... Read more...
The concept of Multiple Use water Services (MUS) is gaining more and more recognition globally. Multiple use water services take people’s multiple water demands as the starting point for the provision of water services. Read more...
Consultez le compte-rendu du pS-Eau et de l’AFD sur le symposium sur le monitoring de l’eau, de l’hygiène et de l’assainissement (IRC, Addis-Abeba, avril 2013). Read more...
North Tarawa in Kiribati is the first island in the Pacific to be declared open defecation free, thanks to the “Kiriwatsan I Project”. The Ministry of Public Works is implementing this project with technical support from UNICEF and funding from the European Union. In March 2013, North Tarawa... Read more...
Afin d’améliorer la qualité et la durabilité des services d’eau, des mécanismes de suivi ont été testés, produisant pour certains des résultats très positifs. Read more...
Regular collection, collation and analysis of reliable data is a crucial building block in delivering sustainable services. Monitoring systems should track not only access, but the quality of a service over time, as well as performance of operators in key technical, financial, and management... Read more...
Regulation is a set of functions, norms, and enforcement processes that ensure both services and service providers meet nationally set guidelines and standards. Regulation can cover economic, environmental and public health aspects of service provision. In the rural water it would include setting... Read more...
Harmonisation and coordination entails all actors –national and local government, donors, lending banks, NGOs and other water sector stakeholders – recognizing and adhering to common principles and approaches when supporting rural water services. It includes the principles of 'aid effectiveness',... Read more...
In March 2013, SNV appointed Megan Richie as Managing Director for Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH). She leads SNV's global initiatives in the WASH sector. Prior to her appointment as Managing Director, Ms Richie served as Country Director for SNV in Lao PDR. Read more...
Brian Arbogast is the new director of the Water, Sanitation & Hygiene program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Read more...
Why are so many professionals from the WASH sector interested in monitoring? Read more...
Amadou Ly est à la fois agent technique d'Agriculture secrétaire du Conseil Communal de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement (CCEA). Avec les autres membres du CCEA, Amadou Ly a sillonné les villages pour diagnostiquer le fonctionnement des AU. Dans cette interview, il nous livre la situation des AUE de la... Read more...
This case study applies a life-cycle costs approach (LCCA) to the sanitation and hygiene activities undertaken in Bagherpara Upazila, Jessore District, Bangladesh from 2006-2011, the duration of BRAC WASH-I programme. This was done to evaluate the sustainability of the sanitation and hygiene... Read more...
[caption id="attachment_1831" align="alignleft" width="300"] Mamadou Maïga, Maire de la Commune d'Arbinda[/caption] Dans le cadre des activités du projet Triple-S, financé par le programme WA-WASH de l’USAID, IRC, Eau Vive et la direction régionale de l’eau, des aménagements hydrauliques et de l’... Read more...
Dans le cadre des activités du projet Triple-S, financé par le programme WA-WASH de l'USAID, IRC, Eau Vive et la direction régionale de l'eau, des aménagements hydrauliques et de l'assainissement (DREAHA) ont assisté les conseils communaux de l'eau et l'assainissement (CCEA) d'Arbinda et de... Read more...
The lack of safe toilets for women and girls is often linked to an increased risk of sexual harassment and rape. Earlier studies from Kenya, Uganda and India, and now a recent BBC news item are some of the few sources to actually quantify this risk. Read more...
Coca-Cola’s Replenish Africa Initiative (RAIN) requires each project implementation plan to include a life-cycle budget section detailing the cost of annual operational expenditure, annual capital maintenance expenditure and direct support, aligned with the life cycle costing approach. Partners are... Read more...