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Communément appelée « pousse-pousse », la barrique est le principal moyen de transport d’eau dans les zones urbaines et péri-urbaines. Cependant, l’eau de qualité prélevée à la borne fontaine, parvient impropre aux usagers due à une contamination au cours du transport. La barrique « Sanya »,... Read more...
The 2013 WASH Sustainability forum will take place at The World Bank in Washington, D.C. on 11 and 12 March 2013. Read more...
Stakeholders in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector in the Northern Region of Ghana have met to form a learning platform, the Regional Level Learning Alliance (RLLAP), in Tamale. It is to promote the sharing of ideas, knowledge and synchronise project activities and initiatives for... Read more...
Three women share their stories about participation, leadership and changing roles in promoting sanitation and hygiene in Nepal, Bhutan and Viet Nam. The video was made to celebrate International Women's Day and features Mayadevi and Kaman (Nepal), Toan and Thinh (VietNam) and Tshering, Drukda, Tashi and Deschen (Bhutan).
The video is from SNV's Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All Programme (SSH4A), which has been implemented by local governments and partners in 17 districts across Nepal, Bhutan, Laos, Viet Nam and Cambodia since 2008. It aims to provide one million people with access to improved hygiene and sanitation facilities by the end of 2015. As the approach aims at addressing access to sanitation for all, addressing gender issues and inequalities is key. SSH4A is a partnership between SNV, the Governments of the Netherlands, Nepal, Bhutan, Laos, Viet Nam and Cambodia in Asia and IRC with support from AusAID and DFID.
The QIS monitoring system that is being used gives special attention to gender and sanitation. First because many of the indicators differentiate between women and men. Secondly because data collection for each sample is duplicated by a male and a female monitoring team. Interestingly, preliminary results show that virtually all the male and female monitoring teams members gave the same scores for the gender indicators.
Read more...WASHCost briefing note No 9 report on findings on the cost of providing water services in small towns using piped water systems in Ghana. It unearths the factors affecting sustainable water service delivery and provides cost information for planning sustainable water service in the small towns in... Read more...
This site has a wealth of resources for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practitioners collected by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Although the focus is on WASH resources for emergencies, many of the field tools and resources are also applicable in... Read more...
Ryan Schweitzer and James Mihelcic from the University of South Florida have developed a Sustainability Assessment Tool for community-managed rural water systems [1]. The tool is novel because it focuses specifically on community management during the post construction phase. It can be used to... Read more...
Researchers from the University of North Carolina (UNC) estimate that the number of people without safe water and sanitation is much higher than previously thought. If you add actual service levels and the unreliability of some of the data to the equation the picture may be even bleaker. Read more...
This papers shares experiences, findings and lessons from the impact evaluation of the Second Water and Sanitation for Low Income Communities Project (WSLIC-2) by the Ministry of Health of Indonesia. Contact to learn how to access the document. Read more...
IRC's work in Latin America focuses very much on Honduras. In other countries in Latin America and at regional level IRC provides advisory services and carries out research. Read more...
2013 is the third and final year of the WASHTech project. In January, consortium partners gathered in Accra, Ghana to reflect on the project’s progress and map out the immediate future of WASHTech. Research teams in Gahan, Burkina Faso and Uganda have undertaken three rounds of testing and... Read more...
Developing the capacities of the staff (governmental and non-government) as well as the private sector is important part of governance. The full range of capacities needs to cover the full cycle of sanitation services. Read more...
Transparency (openness) and integrity (honesty) aim to counteract corruption. The Oxford Dictionary defines corrupt as having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain. Read more...
Dans la salle de réunion de la mairie de Koupéla, un atelier bilan et de planification du projet EcoSan_UE4 a réuni le 12 février 2013 les autorités provinciales du Kourittenga et l’équipe du projet. Read more...
Choisie parmi les trois communes béninoises devant promouvoir et appliquer l’outil d’Evaluation annotée de l’intégrité de l’eau dans le sous-secteur de l’Approvisionnement en Eau Potable (EAIE), la commune de Klouékanmè a accueilli dans le cadre d’un atelier d’appropriation et d’application, les... Read more...
[caption id="attachment_1359" align="alignleft" width="205"] A 90 ans passés, Stéphane Hessel a continué à s'indigner contre toutes formes d'injustes, toujours avec son légendaire sourire.[/caption] Le mond e entier continue à rendre hommage à Stéphane Hessel, disparu le mardi 26 février 2013. Si... Read more...
Governing non-sewered sanitation mostly involves local governments and government services, community or consumer organisations, the local private sector and NGOs. Read more...
Governance is the umbrella term for the processes by which decisions are made and implemented. It is the result of interactions, relationships and networks in and between the different sectors -government, public sector, private sector and civil society- for ensuring optimal services. Work to... Read more...
Examples of participatory assessment of baseline conditions and monitoring of progress come from Nepal and Mozambique, among others. They give community organisations and households valuable insights on how they are doing and what improvement is still needed. Read more...
An innovative methodology is the Methodology for Participatory Assessment or MPA. The MPA was originally developed by IRC and WSP to quantify qualitative performance evaluations of community-managed water services and sanitation services. The methodology uses scenario scales on which representative... Read more...