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Policy recommendations for national government and the state government of Odisha. Read more...
All Systems Go Africa : Six points essentiels à prendre en compte pour changer les systèmes afin d'atteindre les objectifs en matière d'eau, d'assainissement et d'hygiène (ODD 6) Read more...
Six key takeaways for systems change to achieve the water, sanitation and hygiene goals (SDG 6) developed with AMCOW delegates attending All Systems Go Africa Read more...
Indicators for hand hygiene monitoring in households, schools and health care centres, for policy makers, implementors and citizens. Read more...
Impacts d'un système prépayé sur la résolution des contraintes du système Read more...
En Ouganda, Water For People soutient les associations de mécaniciens de pompes à main en leur proposant des formations et des kits d'outils. Read more...
Presentation accompanying the symposium session exploring the perceived divide between human rights and systems strengthening approaches. Read more...
There is decades of evidence of the disproportionate impact of WASH on women and girls, but relatively few women at the decision-making table. Learn... Read more...
How did the RANO WASH, supporting public-private partnerships (PPPs) for rural water services, contribute to WASH systems strengthening. What did it... Read more...