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A- BANDAO Tchaa, Chargé de mission à la direction de la planification du Ministère de l’environnement et des ressources forestières 1) Quelles sont vos impressions à la sortie de ce premier jour ? Le forum dans sa globalité s’est bien passé. Je pense que la reprécision des thèmes était une bonne... Read more...
Jon Lane, Directeur exécutif du Conseil de concertation pour l’approvisionnement en eau et l’assainissement (WSSCC): « Le chemin pour attirer plus de fonds vers l’assainissement, c’est d’être capable d’expliquer aux chefs d’Etats, que le financement de l’assainissement est un investissement … Read more...
Le coût des latrines au Burkina Faso: une application de l'approche des coûts à long terme a été presenté par Richard Bassono le 21.12.2011 au Forum National de l'eau et de l'assainissement. Read more...
Depuis plus de deux semaines l’eau se fait rare dans les populations d’Abidjan notamment, celles des communes de la banlieue d’Abidjan et celle de la plus grande commune d’Abidjan, Yopougon. Depuis lors, chaque matin, ces femmes doivent parcourir des kilomètres … Read more...
Enhancing self-supply initiatives can go a long way in improving access to safe water in Uganda, and ultimately attaining the MDG targets. This was the key message emerging from the discussions taking place during the National Learning Forum on Self-Supply in December 2011. Read more...
A la différence du Burkina Faso, le Togo a pour l’instant suffisamment de ressources en eau pour répondre aux besoins de sa population. L’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement reste pourtant un problème comme pour son voisin: les services d’eau potable ne desservent que 46% des populations en... Read more...
IRC materials and web sites on WASH in Schools were used in an academic study of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Institute of Education. What impact does the provision of separate toilets for girls at school have on their primary and secondary school enrolment, attendance... Read more...
This paper describes the major operational approaches of the BRAC WASH programme including monitoring, evaluation and some results. To carry out this study on water safety practices, use of sanitation facilities and self-reported water-related disease prevalence, a comparison was made between... Read more...
The Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) in Ghana is considering a combination of insurance cover and mutual funds between villages to ensure that there is enough money in the system to repair and maintain water systems in rural areas. Read more...
Interview réalisés à Lomé lors du Forum national de l’eau le 6 janvier 2012 Henri GBONE, Honorable Député, Membre du parlement panafricain 1) Quelles sont les vos premières impressions à la sortie de ce premier jour ? Je trouve que l’initiative … Read more...
Gal de division NANDJA Zakari, Ministre de l’Eau, de l’Assainissement et de l’Hydraulique villageoise 1) Ce forum a-t-il vraiment un caractère national ? [caption id="attachment_1491" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Ministre de l'Eau, de l'Assainissement et de l'Hydraulique villageoise du... Read more...
A question from the floor at a Rockefeller Foundation meeting raised some interesting thoughts about MUS vs MDGs. Read more...
Toilet use by young children is often scary for both parents and children. Useful materials on this topic are discussed in this article. Read more...
Menstruation is normal and natural, but menstrual requirements of women and adolescent girls have been ignored in sanitation. This section mentions useful sources on this subject. Read more...
This section looks into adjusting toilets to the needs of the old, the pregnant and people with disabilities. Read more...
In 2011, Triple-S Uganda commissioned a study to assess the utilisation of the District Implementation Manual (DIM)—a tool issued in 2007 to guide the implementation of water and sanitation services at local government level. An important recommendation emerging from the study is to review, update... Read more...
For many decades development aid of western donors has been pretty well shielded from probing questions by the public opinion and politicians. Read more...
This mapping exercise has confirmed that, despite difficulties and statistical constraints, it is feasible to disaggregate the ODA to the water sector from European Union donors into the three component subsectors sanitation & hygiene, water supply and IWRM. And to map aid these flows... Read more...
Dutch international cooperation minister Ben Knapen has announced his intention to continue to help finance the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre for the next five years with a contribution of 10 million euros. He was speaking at a meeting with Dutch water sector representatives, where... Read more...
En vue de préparer la participation du Burkina Faso au 6ème Forum Mondial de l’Eau qui se tiendra à Marseille en mars 2012, le Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Hydraulique a organisé les 20, 21 et 22 décembre 2011 à Ouagadougou, … Read more...