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With a high court ruling supporting South Africa's constitutional right to sanitation, Cape Town’s " brutal – and farcical – toilet wars ” have come to an end. Protesters from the Makhaza neighbourhood of the black township Khalelitsha, that was at the centre of the dispute, greeted the court... Read more...
Open defecation and unsafe latrines together account for a high toll taken by water-borne diseases in South Asia. In fact, between 2008 and 2011, that is, the interval between SACOSAN III held in New Delhi and SACOSAN IV that recently concluded in Colombo, 750,000 children under 5 succumbed to... Read more...
WSSCC helped to drive preparations for the meeting and was active at the SACOSAN event in Colombo and at the preceding gathering of civil society organisations. WSSCC teamed up with WaterAid, the Freshwater Action Network South Asia, and others to bring the voices of the people to the podium,... Read more...
The first half of 2011 has been a busy period for WSSCC. Implementation of the Global Sanitation Fund continues at a rapid pace. Since 2010, GSF programmes started in Cambodia, India, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal and Senegal, to which in 2010 WSSCC committed $36 million to impact the lives of up to 24... Read more...
IRC has published as OpenCourseWare, the programme, sessions plans and background reading materials for a two-day training workshop on corruption prevention in the water sector. The focus of the workshop is on building stronger systems of transparency, integrity and accountability. Read more...
A reality case from Janagoan town in Andhra Pradesh in India. Janagoan is 79 kilometres from Hyderabad and 53 from the main town in Warangal district. Read more...
Can households in Asia be given better information about the sanitation choices they can make and more options for financing them? Is the role of women in small scale sanitation businesses being overlooked? These were some of the questions that flowed from an enthusiastic five-day workshop in Dien... Read more...
Many countries are beginning to focus on the need for sustained WASH services and to focus on investment in planning, monitoring and post-construction support, rather than just infrastructure. However, significant gaps and disparities remain. To tackle these, IRC International Water and Sanitation... Read more...
In March 2011, the Lira District Water and Sanitation Coordination Committee (DWSCC) made unannounced field visits to various water sources. The idea was to perform impromptu check-ups on the functionality of the Water User Committees (WUC) and the situation of sanitation in the communities which... Read more...
This story was told to Juliet Waterkeyn by Amai (Mother) Toriro before she died in 2010 in Zimbabwe from an AIDS related illness. The key message that she wanted readers to know was that she had changed her life through becoming active with the help of a community health club. She did not die alone... Read more...
The Drakenstein Local Municipality in Western Cape, South Africa, is using a new software system to get a better insight into assets management and the operation and maintenance status of six wastewater treatment plants serving 250,000 people. Read more...
For St. James Bbina primary school in Kampala city, Uganda, ecological sanitation (ecosan), is no longer just a technology but a commitment. With little or no supervision from teachers, the pupils treat the urine diversion dry ecosan toilets (UDDT) with a sense of ownership and responsibility. Read more...
Bucket chlorination is a method for reducing the spread of cholera. This lethal disease derives from bacteria ( vibrio cholera) . The vibrio, which can be spread by water must be treated. An effective treatment for water is to add chlorine, writes Patricia Hugonin, one of the winners of the Source... Read more...
A Dassa Zoumè dans le département des collines à quelques 200 kilomètres au nord de Cotonou au Bénin, les pompes mécaniques permettent aux ménages pauvres de faire face à la pénurie d’eau potable. Read more...
A l’internationale, Afrique rime bien trop souvent avec corruption, coups d’état, dictateur, aide etc. Pourtant, les africains sont, tout autant que les autres, capables d’innover, développer et de se positionner sur la scène internationale. Les étudiants de l’Institut internationale d’Ingénierie... Read more...
L’Association Africaine de l’Eau (AAE) dont l’ONEP est membre fondateur, tiendra la seizième édition de son congrès biannuel au Palais des Congrès de Marrakech du 20 au 23 février 2012. Read more...
Speaking to the press on 27 April 2011 Water Management Resources Authority Narok official Jared Anekeyah said "We need to move towards greener water and sanitation projects such as rainwater collection to keep pace with booming urban populations. We should encourage the harvesting of rain water... Read more...
People across all walks of life have passionately appealed to the President, Professor John Evans Atta Mills, as a matter of urgency, not to renew the water management contract with Aqua Vitens Rand. According to them, the company has worsened the urban water situation in the country. Aqua Vitens... Read more...
Most households in Northern Ireland have their water supplied by a government owned company called Northern Ireland Water (NI Water). Recently NI Water has been harshly criticized for a lack of transparency in procurement procedures. The Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) published a report... Read more...