AlJazeera’s "Inside story" will take an in-depth look at water and sanitation, and will have Patrick Moriarty, IRC’s International programme director and Triple-S director, as a panelist. Tune in on 8 March 2012 at 17:30 GMT. Watch your local Al Jazeera news station , or check out Al Jazeera’s live... Read more...
Top item on an overloaded agenda at the moment is the upcoming mid-term assessment of our Triple-S (link) project. As we prepare a terms of reference for the exercise we’ve been engaging with a number of external thinkers to help us create something that can meet the dual objectives of judging... Read more...
The book Supporting Rural Water Supply unpacks problems and identifies success factors in delivering rural water services. Now available from Practical Action. Read more...
Why, despite concerted efforts by governments, donors, and NGOs, do nearly a billion people still lack safe water? Read more...