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Bassan, M.
Bassan, M.
et al.
, 2012.
Optimizing the faecal sludge management scheme in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
. , pp.p. 22 - 24; 2 fig.; .
Fecha publicación: 22/02/2013
In 1996, the National Utility of Water and Sanitation (ONEA) in Burkina Faso was one of the first West African National Utilities to adopt a Natio...
Bassan, M.
Strande, L.
, 2012.
Excreta and wastewater management : institutional framework for faecal sludge collection and transport in Burkina Faso
. , p.p. 17; 1 fig.
Fecha publicación: 11/12/2012
ONEA, the Burkina Faso National Utility for Water and Sanitation collaborates with Sandec to improve faecal sludge management by strengthening...
Bassan, M.
et al.
, 2013.
Integrated faecal sludge management scheme for the cities of Burkina Faso
Journal of water sanitation and hygiene for development
, 3(2), pp.216-221 : 1 fig.
Fecha publicación: 26/04/2013
The National Utility for Water and Sanitation in Burkina Faso (ONEA) has recognized the difficulty in providing sewered sanitation to the entire...
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