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E. P. Jordao y Volschan, I., «Cost-effective solutions for sewage treatment in developing countries : the case of Brazil». IWA Publishing, London, UK, p. 29 p. : fig., photogr., tab., 2004.
W. S. Warner, «Cultural influences that affect the acceptance of compost toilets : psychology, religion and gender». Jordforsk, Norwegian Center for Soil and Environmental Research, As, Norway, p. 6 p., 2004.
L. Mehta y Ntshona, Z., Dancing to two tunes? : rights and market-based approaches in South Africa’s water domain, vol. no. 17. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, 2004, p. 24 p.
Ingenieria sin Fronteras - Asociacion para el Desarrollo -Madrid, ES, ISF-ApD, De agua y saneamiento, vol. no. 1. Madrid, Spain: Ingenieria sin Fronteras, 2004, p. 88 p. ; fig., tab.
Ingenieria sin Fronteras - Asociacion para el Desarrollo -Madrid, ES, ISF-ApD, De la informacion y la comunicacion, vol. no. 2. Madrid, Spain: Ingenieria sin Fronteras, 2004, p. 88 p. : fig., tab.
«December 2004», IDD research news. 2004.
«December 2004», IK world wide. 2004.
C. Brannstrom, «Decentralising water resource management in Brazil», The European journal of development research, pp. p. 214-234 : 1 fig., 1 tab., 2004.
F. Molle, «Defining water rights: by prescription or negotiation?», Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 207-227, 2004.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen, Denmark's development cooperation in water and sanitation. Copenhagen, Denmark: Denmark, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2004, p. 31 p. : fig., photogr.
B. E. Roveda, Desafíos y propuestas para la implementación más efectiva de instrumentos económicos en la gestión ambiental de América Latina y el Caribe : el caso de Argentina. Santiago, Chile: CEPAL, 2004, p. 57 p. : tab.
F. Rosensweig y Moise, I., «Developing a hygiene promotion program : summary of assistance to SANRU III in the Democratic Republic of Congo», vol. no. 132. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xiv, 37 p. : 1 fig., 6 tab., 2004.
J. A. Awunyo-Akaba, Govidan, B., Khanal, S., Nyavor, E., Rai, R., y Zachariah, S., «Developing and pre-testing research tools», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 10-12 : 1 box, 1 fig., 2 photogr., 2004.
J. D. Wolfensohn y Bourguignon, F., «Development and poverty reduction : looking back, looking ahead : prepared for the 2004 annual meetings of the World Bank and IMF October 2004». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 38 p. : 6 fig., 6 tab. , 2004.
R. Manning, Development co-operation 2003 report : efforts and policies of the members of the Development Assistance Committee, vol. vol. 5, no. 1. Paris, France: OECD, Development Assistance Committee, 2004, p. 244 p. : 15 boxes, 20 charts, 5 tab.
R. Manning, Development co-operation report 2003 : efforts and policies of the members of the Development Assistance Committee, vol. vol. 5, no. 1. Paris, France: OECD Publishing, 2004, p. 244 p. : 15 boxes, 20 fig, 5 tab.
Z. A. C. S. I. R. - Pretoria y Water Research Commission -Pretoria, ZA, WRC, «Development of a framework for franchising in the water services sector in South Africa : first phase report». Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Pretoria, South Africa, p. iv, 109 p. : 3 fig., 2 tab., 2004.
R. Johanson y Adams, A. V., Développement des qualifications professionnelles en Afrique subsaharienne. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 2004, p. 304 p. : fig., tab.
N. Thapar y Sanderson, I. R., «Diarrhoea in children: an interface between developing and developed countries», The lancet, pp. p 641-653 : 3 fig., 3 panrls, 2 tabs., 2004.
H. Jonsson, A. Stintzing, R., Vinneras, B., y Salomon, E., Directives pour une utilisation des urines et des feces dans la production agricole, vol. Rapport 2004-2. Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 2004, p. v, 43 p. : 11 fig., 9 tab.
U. Directorat UG, «Directorate of Water Development information booklet : July 2000 - June 2003 performence review». Uganda, Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment, Directorate for Water Development, Kampala, Uganda, p. 19 p. : maps, photogr., 2004.
M. Bannister, «Disability and gender in rural sanitation», in People-centred approaches to water and environmental sanitation : proceedings of the 30th WEDC Conference, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 25-29 October 2004 , 2004, pp. P. 57-60 : 1 fig., 1 photogr.
CREPA -Ouagadougou, BF, Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout, «Documentation de l'experience de WaterAid partenaires sur la promotion de l'hygiene et de l'assainissement au Burkina Faso». Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout (CREPA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 78 p. : ill., fig., map, tab., 2004.
U. Directorat UG, «Draft concept note on principles for sector allocation». Uganda, Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment, Directorate for Water Development, Kampala, Uganda, p. ii, 10 p., 2004.
A. Jouravlev, Drinking water supply and sanitation services on the threshold of the xxist century, vol. no. 74. Santiago, Chile: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), 2004, p. 64 p. : 12 boxes, 3 fig., 9 tab.


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