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Found 23538 results
M. Falkenmark y Lundqvist, J., «Towards water security : political determination and human adaptation crucial», Natural resources forum, pp. p. 37-51 : 7 fig., 1 tab., 1998.
E. Bolt, «Training of trainers on communication, mobilization and hygiene education skills : Hanoi, 9-20 February, 1998». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 10 p. + annexes (43 p.), 1998.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, «Training workshop on information focal points : Monday 30 November - Friday 11 December 1998». The Hague, The Netherlands, p. ca. 250 p., 1998.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia -Beirut, LB, ESCWA, «Transboundary water resources in the ESCWA region : utilization, management and cooperation». United Nations, New York, NY, USA, p. viii, 100 p. : 6 fig., 8 tab., 1998.
O. M. Ramirez Flores, Sterling, C. R., y Pena, M., «Tratamiento integrado de aguas residuales domésticas con sistemas anaerobios y postratamiento de efluentes : soluciones a diferente escala». S.n., p. 11 p., 1998.
International Institute for Environment and Development -London, GB, IIED, «Understanding market opportunities», vol. no. 33. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK, p. 96 p. : fig., maps, photogr., tab., 1998.
M. R. Bhatt y Twigg, J., Understanding vulnerability : South Asian perspectives. London, UK: IT Publications, 1998, p. vii, 84 p. fig., tab.
UNICEF -New York, NY, US. Water and Environmental Sanitation Section, «UNICEF workshop on environmental sanitation and hygiene, New York, 10-13 June 1998». UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. ca. 350 p. : fig., photogr., 1998.
E. Werna, «Urban management, the provision of public services and intra-urban differentials in Nairobi», Habitat international : a journal for the study of human settlements, pp. p. 15-26 : 4 tab., 1998.
R. Batley, Urban water in Zimbabwe : performance and capacity analysis, vol. no. 33. Birmingham, UK: University of Birmingham, School of Public Policy, 1998, p. vi, 105 p. : fig., tab.
P. Amis, Urban water supply : Ghana Water and Sewerage Corporation, vol. no. 21. Birmingham, UK: University of Birmingham, School of Public Policy, 1998, p. 59 p. : 15 tab.
B. A. Finney y Gearheart, R. A., «User's manual for WAWTTAR (Version 4.0 for MS-Windows) : a decision support model for prefeasibility analysis of water and wastewater treatment technologies appropriate for reuse». Environmental Resources Engineering, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, USA, p. iv, 70 p. : 19 fig., 2 tab., 1998.
F. Delvecchio, «Using need-to-know criteria to design training», Journal American Water Works Association, 1998.
F. L. Pari y Youlassani, A., «Valorisation des graines de moringa dans le traitement des eaux», Info CREPA, pp. p. 4-9 : fig., tabs., 1998.
B. Davies y Day, J., Vanishing waters. Cape Town, South Africa: University of Cape Town Press, 1998, p. xiv, 487 p. : fig., photogr., tab.
I. van Hooff, «Vers une meilleure programmation : un manuel sur l'hygiène et l'assainissement en milieu scolaire», vol. no. 5. UNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation Section, New York, NY, USA, p. vi, 65 p. : 55 boxes, 2 ill., 1998.
V. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ha Noi, «Vietnam life skills education for health improvement and hiv/aids prevention curriculum». UNICEF, Hanoi, Viet Nam, p. 24 p., 1998.
N. Ministry o NL, Vrouwen en ontwikkeling : beleid en uitvoering in de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking 1985-1996. The Hague, The Netherlands: Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1998, p. xi, 267 p. : 3 fig., 11 tab.
C. H. United Nat Geneva, «War-torn societies project Northeast Somalia regional reports : North Mudug Region». United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, Switzerland, p. ii, 28 p., 1998.
H. Zebidi, «Water : a looming crisis? : international conference on world water resources at the beginning of the 21st century (UNESCO, Paris, 3-6 June 1998) : proceedings», vol. no. 18. UNESCO International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO-IHP, Paris, France, p. 536 p. : fig., maps, tab., 1998.
U. Directorat UG, «Water and environmental sanitation programme : unit costs for constructions works». Zambia, Programme Co-ordination Unit, Kampala, Uganda, p. 10 p. : tab., 1998.
D. F. I. D. United Kin GB, «Water and environmental sanitation sector review», vol. no. 5. United Kingdom, Department for International Development, New Delhi, India, p. ca. 250 p. : tab., 1998.
A. M. Mooijman y Metell, K., «Water, and more, for the barrios of Tegucigalpa», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 19-21, 32 : 2 photogr., 1998.
A. De Sherbinin y Dompka, V., «Water and population dynamics : case studies and policy implications : report of a workshop October 1996 Montreal, Canada». American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC, USA, 1998.
I. Rajiv Gand IN y Delhi, I. N. Indian Ins, «Water and sanitation : a baseline survey : a consolidated report». Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, India, p. 52 p. + annex (ca. 30 p.) : 28 tab., 1998.


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